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Athletic Booster Club

Falcons Athletic Booster Club

The Falcons Booster Club supports Cox athletics in many numerous ways. We offer scholarships for senior athletes, provide sports banquets including the coaches’ awards, and help our teams purchase things items that weren't in the budget. We have provided equipment and other items that support all our athletes, such as weights, trainers' supplies, stadium seating, a scorer's table, press-box improvements, and championship banners. We also operate the outdoor concessions stand during varsity football games and sell Falcons spirit wear. During the unusual 2020-2021 sports seasons, we were thrilled to see the Falcons have a chance to compete and supported them by selling fan cutouts to fill our bleachers. The Booster Club will always look for ways to support our athletes however we can! We hope you’ll consider joining us in that goal! Below is information about how you can.

Congratulations to the 2022 recipients of the Booster Club Scholarships! Scroll down for information on how to apply!

For more information, please contact us at: